Last month I
attended the Long Island Sound Future Fund Grant Event hosted by National Fish
& Wildlife Service and US EPA at The Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk , CT.
I arrived dressed in my Red Sox jacket, optimistic that my team would win the
World Series and they did it! OLC Program coordinator Jenna Messier and I were thrilled to be surrounded by all the enthusiasm of fellow grantees that like NOFA OLC had been awarded a LISFF Grant!
Just as I was
optimistic about the Sox winning the championship, I’m optimistic our team of
Accredited Organic Land Care Professionals will win over more homeowners to an
organic approach next season! Thanks to the LISFF Grant, I’m grateful to
be working with the NOFA OLC Program to educate homeowners and landscape
contractors on organic fertilization and cultural best practices for the
protection of Long Island Sound. Additionally, I’m thrilled to share
effective social marketing strategies with AOLCP’s to drive the demand for
organic land care for the health of the Long Island Sound and the health of the
green, local economy.
Here's the first peek at the Ten Steps to an Organic Lawn fact sheet to be distributed TMA in
I really look
forward to seeing you at the Annual Gathering on December 11th in
Southbury , CT. Please stop by the NOFA OLC
table to receive another new tool we’re rolling out for all AOLCP's: Fertilizer
Application Best Practices for the Landscape Contractor. Thanks to the LISFF
Grant we’re bringing more tools to get your game on to win more
homeowners over to an organic approach on their lawn next spring!