This year the course is four days long, but jam-packed with information! We have adjusted the course based on the feedback from the first decade of accredited professionals. The course is more condensed to save time for our attendees, the course content is focused on practical elements of organic land care, and the last day there will be two tracks of workshops allowing attendees to choose a horticulture or lawn-and-turf concentration.
After taking the course, attendees can take the accreditation exam, which usually takes about an hour to complete. A score of 70% or higher qualifies one for accreditation. To learn more about the benefits of accreditation visit the About Accreditation page. You can prep-pay for the accreditation exam and your accreditation when you register for the course. There are now two levels of accreditation, the supporter level, mostly for non-profits and educators and the business level which provides marketing materials and collective advertising through out the Northeastern US.
Register for the February 11-14 Course in Connecticut now
Register for the January 14-17 Course in Pennsylvania now